Datacloud ESG Summit will be moving to Reykjavík, Iceland! After a successful first ESG-focused event in Oslo, our new location will be the meeting point for the global data centre industry to continue important conversations and meet new partners in 2024.
Datacloud ESG Summit will be held on 17 –18 April 2024.
For more information, please visit:*19vrzvy*_ga*NTg2OTU2MTM1LjE2OTY0MTA0NDU.*_ga_NXLFMPMDVP*MTcxMjU5MDMxOS4zNy4xLjE3MTI1OTIzODguNTkuMC4w*_gcl_au*NDgwMzYwOTAxLjE3MTIyNDM2OTc.